


第1条 人権の尊重

第2条 研究実施のための配慮

第3条 情報管理の厳守

第4条 研究成果の公表に伴う責任

第5条 研鑽の義務

第6条 倫理の遵守および抵触疑義への対応

附則 本倫理理綱領は、平成25年9月1日から施行する。

Ethical Guidelines

Preamble: Art Education Society of Japan acknowledges the fundamental human rights and dignity of all individuals, respecting them without infringement. It values the pursuit of freedom and happiness in human endeavors and is committed to research, practical activities in art education, and related educational activities. Members of Art Education Society of Japan, as experts in art education, exercise social awareness and responsibility. In their involvement in research, education, and practical activities, they respect the rights of individuals, including privacy, confidentiality, self-determination, and autonomy. Particularly, they take adequate measures to ensure the healthy development of children and avoid compromising educational activities for that purpose. While realization relies on the individual autonomy of members, mutual attention is expected, and members must be vigilant to prevent actions that violate research ethics.

Article 1: Respect for Human Rights
Members of Art Education Society of Japan must always consider basic human rights in the implementation and publication of research, education, and practical activities. They shall not engage in actions that violate individual privacy or social norms, and must especially refrain from compromising the healthy development of children.

Article 2: Consideration in Research Implementation
When conducting research, education, or practical activities, members have an obligation to fully explain the research purpose and content to research collaborators. In cases where obtaining consent or understanding is challenging for collaborators, it is necessary to obtain judgment and consent from the person in a protective position. Coercion is strictly prohibited throughout the research process, and careful consideration is required for the impact on education, especially concerning children.

Article 3: Strict Adherence to Information Management
Information obtained through research, education, and practical activities must be strictly managed and should not be used for purposes other than the originally agreed-upon objective. Information not consented to must not be utilized.

Article 4: Responsibility in the Publication of Research Results
When publishing the results obtained through research, education, and practical activities, members must consider the societal, humanitarian, and political significance it may carry. They must be conscious of their responsibilities as professionals and obtain consent from collaborators in advance. Care should be taken to avoid the identification of collaborators without their consent. Proper attribution of sources for materials used in research and consideration for the rights and responsibilities of co-researchers in collaborative research are essential.

Article 5: Obligation of Continuous Improvement
Art Education Society of Japan and its members must actively seek opportunities for understanding and implementing this guideline to promote academic integrity and autonomous behavior.

Article 6: Compliance with Ethics and Addressing Conflicting Doubts
Members of Art Education Society of Japan must fully understand and diligently adhere to these ethical guidelines. In the event of doubt arising about adherence to these guidelines, the Society will establish an Ethics Inquiry Committee to ensure the fairness of a member's research activities and address the situation.

Supplementary Provisions: These ethical guidelines shall be effective from September 1, 2013.